The Vatican and China have recently reached a provisional agreement on the appointment of bishops, which is seen as an important step towards the normalization of relations between the two sides. Under the terms of the agreement, which was signed in September 2018, the Vatican will have a say in the appointment of bishops in China, while China will recognize the Pope as the head of the Catholic Church worldwide.
The agreement was the result of many years of negotiations between the Vatican and China, and it reflects the desire of both sides to improve their relationship. China has an estimated 10 million Catholics, but the Church has been divided between those who follow the official state-sanctioned church and those who belong to the underground church that is loyal to the Vatican. The new agreement aims to bring these two communities together and to promote religious freedom in China.
However, the deal has not been without controversy. Critics have argued that the Vatican has compromised too much in its negotiations with China and that it has abandoned its commitment to human rights. They point out that China`s record on religious freedom is poor, with many Christians and other religious groups facing persecution and discrimination. There are also concerns that the deal will give China more influence over the Catholic Church in China and that it will lead to the persecution of the underground church.
Despite these criticisms, many Catholics have welcomed the agreement. They see it as a sign of progress and a step towards greater unity within the Church. They believe that it will help to bring the Catholic Church in China out of the shadows and into the light, and that it will promote religious freedom and human rights.
Overall, the Vatican-China provisional agreement is a significant development in the relationship between the Catholic Church and China. While there are concerns about the deal, it is hoped that both sides will continue to work towards a more open and inclusive Church in China, where all Catholics can worship freely and without fear of persecution. As a professional, it`s important to note that this topic has generated a lot of interest and attention in the media and will likely continue to be a topic of discussion in the coming months and years.