Brexit Deal Agreement Gov Uk

Brexit Deal Agreement Gov UK: Understanding the Prime Minister`s Plan

The Brexit deal agreement has been a hot topic in the United Kingdom for the past few years. It has been a long and tumultuous journey for the UK, its citizens and the government, and it looks like a conclusion has finally been reached.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has recently announced that the UK has reached a Brexit deal agreement with the European Union (EU). The deal was agreed upon on December 24, 2020, and was ratified by the UK Parliament on December 30, 2020.

The Brexit deal agreement is a comprehensive document that outlines the future relationship between the UK and the EU, covering issues such as trade, security, and immigration. The agreement has been welcomed by some and criticized by others, and it is important to understand the key points of the deal to assess its impact on the UK and its citizens.


The UK and the EU have agreed to a zero-tariff and zero-quota trade arrangement. This means that goods that meet the rules of origin requirements can be traded between the UK and the EU without any additional charges. However, there will be new customs checks and procedures to ensure that goods meet these rules and to prevent smuggling and fraud.

The UK will no longer be part of the EU`s single market or the customs union, which means that there will be some changes to the way trade is conducted between the UK and the EU. For example, UK businesses will need to comply with new regulations and standards when exporting to the EU. The UK and the EU have also agreed to annual negotiations on the level playing field, to ensure that both sides maintain similar standards on issues such as labor rights, environmental protection, and state aid.


The UK and the EU have agreed to cooperate on security issues to ensure the safety of citizens on both sides. This includes cooperation on law enforcement, intelligence sharing, and the exchange of data.


The UK and the EU have ended the free movement of people between the UK and the EU. This means that UK citizens will no longer have the right to live and work in the EU, and EU citizens will no longer have the right to live and work in the UK without a visa. However, the UK has introduced a new immigration system that aims to attract the best and brightest talents from around the world.

What Does This Mean for UK Businesses and Citizens?

The Brexit deal agreement will have a significant impact on UK businesses and citizens. Some businesses will need to adjust to new regulations and standards when exporting to the EU. Some citizens may face new restrictions when traveling to the EU, such as needing a visa for work or study.

However, the deal also provides certainty and clarity for businesses and citizens, which is crucial for planning and making informed decisions. The deal also ensures that the UK and the EU can continue to cooperate on important issues such as security and trade.

In Conclusion

The Brexit deal agreement is a significant milestone for the UK and the EU. While there are still challenges ahead, the agreement provides clarity and certainty for businesses and citizens. It is important for everyone to familiarize themselves with the key points of the deal to understand its impact on their lives.

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